Discover the CAFNR Experience
Summer Academies
Plant Science & Technology
Join us for a one-day event to experience hands-on activities with faculty members, learn about exciting career options and interact with current plant sciences and agricultural systems technology students.
Plant Science & Technology
Exploring Ag Communications, Leadership & Education Day
Join us for the Exploring Ag Communications, Leadership and Education Day to experience campus life and get the inside scoop on courses, internships, scholarships and full-time careers. Learn how our degree program can help prepare for your future!
Ag Education & Leadership
Life Sciences Quest
Take some time out of your summer break and learn something new with University of Missouri’s Life Sciences Quest program! Life Sciences Quest is a free summer academy for students interested in agriculture and how it impacts our daily lives.
Life Sciences Quest
Animal Sciences Youth Leadership Academy
The four-day program will focus on increasing knowledge of Missouri’s diverse and dynamic livestock industry, as well as building participants’ leadership and communication skills. Participants will have the opportunity to enhance their leadership development, discuss current issues regarding livestock production (all species), tour industry-leading operations and businesses, and interact with University of Missouri faculty and staff; while while networking with other young leaders from across the state.
Animal Sciences Youth Leadership Academy