Get to Know Matt Fleming

Fleming is the CAFNR Coordinator of Facilities and Operations

Matt Fleming, with wife, Kate, and children at Disney World
Matt Fleming and his wife Kate plan an annual fun-filled trip to Disney World for their family.

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

As the CAFNR Coordinator of Facilities and Operations, I work closely with faculty and staff to ensure their spaces are best supporting the strategic plan of the College and the Education, Research and Extension mission of the University. In my role, I’m able to help plan long and short term on how CAFNR can best use its spaces both in Columbia and within the four Research, Extension and Education Centers across the state of Missouri. I serve as the College contact for all renovation and construction projects on campus as well as a resource for all CAFNR Building Coordinators.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I started with CAFNR in March of 2022. Prior to that I spent 5 years with Mizzou Athletics as Event and Facility Operations Director and 5 years with MizzouRec as a Student Services Coordinator and Graduate Assistant. I graduated from CAFNR with a Master of Science in 2016 (Natural Resources – Parks, Recreation and Tourism) and Bachelor of Science degrees in 2012 (Hospitality Management and Business Administration).

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

I think CAFNR provides the best opportunity to have an impact and see the successes of all three facets of the University: Education, Research and Extension. I also enjoy working with all the faculty, staff and administrators in the College and feel grateful that I’m able to serve my alma mater in this role. The University of Missouri has done so much for me over the years, so it’s rewarding for me to be able to give back and serve the University as a career.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I love spending time with my family and enjoy attending all the activities my two children are involved in. We are huge Mizzou Tiger fans and don’t miss a home football game – we try and travel to at least one away game each year. Outside of Columbia, we like to visit family in St. Louis and Kansas City – attending Cardinals and Royals games when possible. We also plan an annual trip to Disneyworld and I’m never sure who has more fun, my wife Kate or the kids.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

In 2015, Kate and I were the first people to get married on Mizzou’s Traditions Plaza. There’s actually a paver commemorating the wedding on the same spot it took place. Earlier that year, I proposed at midnight on January 1st while on an international trip in New Zealand. We claim to be the first engagement in the world in the year 2015.