Kevin Bradley Recognized as North Central Weed Science Society Fellow at Annual Meeting

Kevin Bradley, professor in the Division of Plant Sciences, was recognized as a North Central Weed Science Society Fellow at the 2020 NCWSS annual meeting. The virtual meeting was held from Nov. 30 to Dec. 2. Selection as a Fellow is recognition of substantial contributions to weed science endeavors and service in the north central region of the United States.

Bradley’s faculty appointment includes Extension and research responsibilities in the area of weed management in corn, soybean, wheat, pastures and forages. Bradley also teaches a graduate level class in herbicide mechanism of action. In addition to evaluating new herbicides and weed management techniques, his applied Extension and research program focuses on the development of programs for the prevention and management of herbicide-resistant weeds, on the interaction of herbicides and weeds with other agrochemicals and pests in the agroecosystem, and on the effects of common pasture weeds on forage yield, quality, and grazing preference. By far, the largest percentage of Bradley’s research and Extension efforts are directed towards the development of strategies for the management of glyphosate- and multiple herbicide-resistant weed biotypes. Specifically, he has conducted numerous surveys to characterize the prevalence of herbicide resistance in weeds like waterhemp, and to determine the effectiveness of future herbicide-tolerant crop technologies for the management of these troublesome species.