Ed Turner Receives Mumford Award for Distinguished Service at 2019 Celebration of Excellence

Ed Turner, CAFNR alumnus and former president of the UM Board of Curators, received the Frederick B. Mumford Award for Distinguished Service at CAFNR’s 2019 Celebration of Excellence awards ceremony.

A strong supporter of CAFNR and MU, Ed Turner has served both in many capacities. He was a gubernatorial appointee to the Board of Curators and served as the president of the board. Turner is a member of the Flagship Council and was its chair. He is a delegate for MU Extension to CARET, the Council for Agriculture, Research, Extension and Teaching. He is a member of the board of the CAFNR Foundation, providing the college assistance and funding. And as a member of the Jerry Litton Foundation, Turner was instrumental in establishing an endowment to CAFNR as the base for an educational leadership program developing Litton Scholars. He received his bachelor of science in agriculture from the University of Missouri in 1962.

“In all of these and other roles, Ed has dedicated himself to promoting, guiding and overall service to his alma mater, including many visits with legislators in Jefferson City and (Washington) D.C.,” said Tom Payne, vice chancellor and dean emeritus. “He has been ever present in his support of his College for which he is so, so proud. For his unending service to MU, Ed has received much very deserving recognition. Most notable are the University’s Geyer Award for Public Service to Higher Education, the Gordon Warren Land Grant Award in Extension, the CAFNR Citation of Merit, MU’s Faculty-Alumni Award and the 4-H Directors Award for Outstanding Service.”