Harold “Gene” Garrett, PhD



Professor Emeritus



  • Ph.D. 1970, University of Missouri-Columbia


  • Agroforestry; physiology of mycorrhizae.

Research Summary

  • Garrett’s research interests are equally divided between developing temperate zone agroforestry systems and conducting mycorrhizal research. Agroforestry is the practice of growing trees and crops or trees and livestock on the same acreage. Mycorrhizae are symbiotic associations in which a plant’s secondary root system is invaded by specific fungi during periods of active growth. Increased water uptake along with increased selective absorption and accumulation of nutrients ultimately results in increased plant growth. Current agroforestry research is focused on developing systems that are environmentally and financially sound. While numerous tree species are under experimentation, emphasis is placed on eastern black walnut due to its value for wood and nuts. Mycorrhizal research emphasizes studies of the biochemical and physiological roles of boron and magnesium in the colonization process.


  • Silviculture

Selected Publications

  • Godsey, L.D., W.D. Walter, J.P. Dwyer and H.E. Garrett.
    A preliminary economic analysis of silvopasture in Missouri’s Ozark forests. In: Proceedings of the 15th Central Hardwoods Forestry Conference, Knoxville, TN. Feb. 27-March 2, 2006 (in press).
  • Lin, C.H., R. Lerch, M.E. George and H.E. Garrett.
    An improved GC-MS/MS method for determination of Atrazine and chlorinated metabolites in forage plants: Laboratory and field experiments. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (in press).
  • Lin, C.H., R. Lerch, H.E. Garrett and M.E. George.
    Ability of forage grasses exposed to Atrazine and Isoxaflutole (Balance TM) to reduce nutrient levels in soils and shallow ground water. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis (in press).
  • Anderson, S.H., R.P. Udawatta, T. Seobi and H.E. Garrett.
    Soil water content and infiltration in agroforestry buffer strips. Agroforestry Systems (in press).
  • Udawatta, R.P., S.H. Anderson, C.J. Gantzer and H.E. Garrett. 2006.
    Agroforestry and grass buffer influence on macropore characteristics: A computed tomography analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:1763-1773.
  • Udawatta, R.P., P.P. Motavalli, H.E. Garrett, J.J. Krstansky. 2006.
    Nitrogen losses in runoff from three adjacent agricultural watersheds with claypan soils. Journal of Environmental Quality. 17:39-48.
  • Lin, C.H., Lerch, R.N., Garrett, H.E. and George, M.F. 2005.
    Soil microbiological activities in vegetative buffer strips and their association with herbicides degradation. pp. 1-10. In: K.N. Brooks and P.F. Ffolliott (ed.) Moving agroforestry into the mainstream. The 9th North American Agroforestry Conference Proceedings, June 12-15, 2005, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dept. of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. [non-paginated CD-ROM].
  • Anderson, S.H., R.P. Udawatta, T. Seobi and H.E. Garrett. 2005.
    Soil water content and infiltration in agroforestry buffer strips. pp. 1-17. In K.N. Brooks and P.F. Ffolliott (ed.) Moving agroforestry into the mainstream. The 9th North American Agroforestry Conference Proceedings, June 12-15, 2005, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dept. of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. [non-paginated CD-ROM].
  • Udawatta, R.P., S.H. Anderson and H.E. Garrett. 2005.
    Tree, grass and crop root length densities and soil water content within an agroforestry buffer system. pp. 1-16. In K.N. Brooks and P.F. Ffolliott (ed.) Moving agroforestry into the mainstream. The 9th North American Agroforestry Conference Proceedings, June 12-15, 2005, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dept. of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN [non-paginated CD-ROM].
  • Udawatta, R.P., P. Nygren, H.E. Garrett. 2005.
    Growth of three oak species during establishment in an agroforestry practice for watershed protection. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 35:602-609.
  • Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett and M.F. George. 2005.
    Incorporating forage grasses in riparian buffers for bioremediation of atrazine, isoxaflutole and nitrate in Missouri. Agroforestry Systems 63:87-95.
  • Godsey, L.D. W.D. Walter and H.E. Garrett. 2004.
    Girdling eastern black walnut for increased heartwood formation. In: Proceedings 6th Walnut Research Symposium (ed. C. Michler et al.). West Lafayette, Indiana. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-243. pp. 101-105.
  • Walter, W.D., H.E. Garrett and L.D. Godsey. 2004.
    Use of herbicides to reduce stump-sprouting following thinning of an eastern black walnut agroforestry planting. In: Proceedings 6th Walnut Research Symposium. (ed. C. Michler et al.) July 25-28, 2004. West Lafayette, Indiana. Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-243. pp. 106-109.
  • Godsey, L.D., W.D. Walter and H.E. Garrett. 2004.
    Effects of girdling on black walnut wood color. In: Proceedings 14th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. (ed. Yaussy et al.) March 17-19, 2004. Wooster, Ohio. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-316. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. pp. 389-394.
  • Walter, W.D., H.E. Garrett and L.D. Godsey. 2004.
    Response of eastern black walnut to herbicide stump treatment. In: Proceedings 14th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. (ed. Yaussy et al.) March 17-19, 2004. Wooster, Ohio. Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-316. Radnor, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Forest Experiment Station. pp. 52-55.
  • Van Sambeek, J.W. and H.E. Garrett. 2004.
    Ground cover management in walnut and other hardwood plantings. In: Proceedings, 6th Walnut Research Symposium. (ed. C. Michler, et al.) July 25-28, 2004. West Lafayette, IN. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-243. pp. 85-100.
  • Kluthe, J., L. Godsey and H.E. Garrett. Forest farming: Ferns as a companion crop. 2004.
    Proceedings of the 8th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 22-25, 2003, Corvallis, OR pp. 154-158.
  • Shockley, F.W., R.L. McGraw and H.E. Garrett. 2004.
    Growth and nutrient concentration of two native forage legumes inoculated with rhizobium and mycorrhiza in Missouri, USA. Agroforestry Systems 60:137-142.
  • Garrett, H.E., M.S. Kerley, K.P. Ladyman, W.D. Walter, L.D. Godsey, J.W. Van Sambeek and D.K. Brauer. 2004.
    Hardwood silvopasture management in the central hardwood region, USA. Agroforestry Systems 61:21-33.
  • Udawatta, R.P., P. Motavalli and H.E. Garrett. 2004.
    Phosphorus loss and runoff characteristics in three adjacent agricultural watersheds with claypan soils. J. of Environmental Quality 33:1709-1719.
  • Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, D. Jordan, H.E. Garrett and M. George. 2004.
    The effects of herbicides (atrazine and Balance) and ground covers on microbial biomass carbon and nitrate reduction. Proceedings of the 8th North American Agroforestry Conference, June 22-25, 2003 Corvallis, Oregon). pp. 182-195.
  • Ladyman, K.P., M.S. Kerley, R.L. Kallenbach, H.E. Garrett, J.W. Van Sambeek and N.E. Navarrete-Tindall. 2004.
    Quality and quantity evaluations of shade grown forages. In: Proc. Eighth Biennial Conf. on Agroforestry in North America. 22-25 June 2003. Corvallis, OR. pp. 175-181.
  • Gray, D.E., S.G. Pallardy, H.E. Garrett and G.E. Rottinghaus. 2003.
    Effect of acute drought stress and time of harvest on phytochemistry and dry weight of St. John’s wort leaves and flowers. Planta Medica 69:1024-1030.
  • Lin, C.H., Lerch, R.N., Johnson, W.G., Jordan, D., Garrett, H.E. and George, M.F. 2003.
    The effect of five forage species on transport and transformation of atrazine and Balance (isoxaflutole) in lysimeter leachate. Journal of Environmental Quality 32:1992-2000.
  • Lehmkuhler, J. E.E.D. Felton, D.A. Schmidt, K.J. Bader, H.E. Garrett and M.S. Kerley. 2003.
    Tree protection methods during the silvopasture-system establishment in Midwestern USA: Cattle performance and tree damage. Agroforestry Systems 59:35-42.
  • Lin, Chung-Ho, R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett and M.F. George. 2003.
    Degradation of isoxaflutole (Balance) herbicide by hypochlorite in tap water. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 51:8011-8014.
  • Brookshire, B.L., H.E. Garrett and T.L. Robison. 2003.
    Effects of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizae and seed source on nursery-grown Juglans nigra L. seedlings. In: Dawson, J.O. (ed.), 13th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. April 1-3, 2002 Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-234. pp. 468-475.
  • Garrett, H.E. 2003.
    Roles for agroforestry in hardwood regeneration and natural-stand management. (Keynote Address). In: Dawson, J.O. (ed.), 13th Central Hardwood Forest Conference. April 1-3, 2002 Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. USDA For. Serv., Gen. Tech. Rep. NC-234. pp. 33-43.
  • Gray, D., S.G. Pallardy, H.E. Garrett and G.E. Rottinghous. 2003.
    Acute drought stress and root age effects on alkamide and phenolic acid content in purple coneflower roots. Planta Medica 69:50-55.
  • Garrett, H.E. 2003.
    Small farm, environmental and conservation incentives. Building on a Time to Act, An advisory document to the Secretary of Agriculture, Ann M. Veneman, from the USDA Advisory Committee on Small Farms. Miscellaneous Publication No. 286 (MP 286), USDA, Washington, D.C. pp. 13-15.
  • Garrett, H.E. 2003.
    Agroforestry for small farms. Building on a Time to Act, An advisory document to the Secretary of Agriculture, Ann M. Veneman, from the USDA Advisory Committee on Small Farms. Miscellaneous Publication No. 286 (MP 286), USDA, Washington, D.C. pp. 11-12.
  • Gray, D.E., H.E. Garrett, S.G. Pallardy, G.E. Rottinghous. 2003.
    An introduction to incorporating botanicals into alley cropping practices. In: Land-Use Management for the Future (T.R. Clason, ed.) Proceedings 6th North American Conference on Agroforestry. Hot Springs, AR. June 14-16, 1999 pp. 203-212.
  • Lin, C.H., R.L. McGraw, M.F. George, H.E. Garrett. 2003.
    Shade effects on quality and morphological development of forage crops with potential in temperate agroforestry practices. In: Land-Use Management for the Future (T.R. Clason, ed.) Proceedings 6th North American Conference on Agroforestry. Hot Springs, AR. June 14-16, 1999 pp. 127-139.
  • Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, H.E. Garrett, E.M. Thurman and M.F. George. 2002.
    Determination of Balance (isoxaflutole) and its metabolites in water using high-performance liquid chromatography with UV and mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural Food and Chemistry 50(21):5816-5824.
  • Lehmkuhler, J., E.E.D. Felton, D.A. Schmidt, K.J. Bader, A. Moore, M.B. Huck, H.E. Garrett and M.S. Kerley. 2002.
    Grazing during the establishment period: Methods of tree protection and impact of grazing on tree and animal performance. Proceedings of the 7th North American Agroforestry Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, Aug. 13-15, 2001 pp. 135-143.
  • Lin, C.H., R.N. Lerch, M.F. George and H.E. Garrett. 2002.
    Incorporation of selected forage grasses in riparian buffers designed for the bioremediation of atrazine, Balance (isoxaflutole) and nitrate. Proceedings of the 7th North American Agroforestry Conference, Regina, Saskatchewan, Aug. 13-15, 2001 pp. 256-265.
  • Huck, M.H., M.S. Kerley, H.E. Garrett, R.L. McGraw, J. Van Sambeek and N. Navarette-Tindall. 2002.
    Effect of shade on forage quality. Proceedings 7th North American Conference on Agroforestry. August 13-15, 2001, Saskatchewan, Canada pp. 125-134.
  • Udawatta, R.P., J.J. Krstansky, G.H. Henderson and H.E. Garrett. 2002.
    Agroforestry Practices, Runoff, and Nutrient Loss: A Paired Watershed Comparison. Journal of Environmental Quality 31:1214-1225.
  • Stamps, W.T., T.L. Woods, M.J. Linit and H.E. Garrett. 2002.
    Arthropod diversity in alley cropped black walnut (Juglans nigra L.) stands in eastern Missouri, USA. Agroforestry Systems 56:167-175.
  • Lin, C.H., R.L. McGraw, M.F. George and H.E. Garrett. 2001.
    Nutritive Quality and Morphological Development Under Partial Shade of Some Forage Species with Agroforestry Potential. Agroforestry Systems. 53:269-281.
  • Gray, D.E., G.E. Rottinghaus, C. Roberts, H.E. Garrett and S.G. Pallardy. 2001.
    The use of NIR spectroscopy to determine chicoric acid concentration in the roots of purple coneflower (Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench. Crop Science. 41:1159-1161.
  • Gray, D.E., G.E. Rottinghaus, H.E. Garrett and S.G. Pallardy. 2000.
    Simultaneous determination of the predominant hyperforins and hypericins in St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) by liquid chromatography. International J. of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. 84(4):944-949.
  • Loewenstein, E.F., P.S. Johnson and H.E. Garrett. 2000.
    Age and diameter structure of a managed uneven-aged oak forest. Canadian J. of Forest Research 30:1060-1070.