Q&A With Regan Ragsdale

Ragsdale is a senior in agribusiness management

Why did you decide to come to the University of Missouri and major in agribusiness management? What do you enjoy about the program itself? The field of study?

Attending the University of Missouri and studying in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources was always a no-brainer in my eyes. The diverse campus, phenomenal staff and opportunities to grow I saw as a senior in high school have far exceeded my expectations. My corn and cattle roots have left me incredibly passionate about the agriculture industry. Therefore, choosing agribusiness management as a major has been a phenomenal choice. Having interest in policy, sales, marketing and entrepreneurship while staying in the agriculture field left me with the best choice in major, agribusiness management. The program has allowed me to customize my classes to fit the things I am interested in. I know that with Agribusiness Management on my diploma, I will have countless options in and out of the agriculture field. This has proved true in the diverse internships I’ve had in the policy arena and with a powerhouse agriculture company. Agribusiness management has and continues to be the best choice for me.

How have you used resources in the CAFNR Academic Programs Office (student services, career services, advising, study abroad)? What was your experience like?

The CAFNR Office of Academic Programs has an outstanding amount of resources in one convenient spot. When preparing for the CAFNR career fair, I have found this office to be incredibly valuable. From having my resume reviewed to doing a mock interview, the faculty and staff have gone out of their way to help me succeed. In addition, if I ever have a question about advising, my major or just help with my program, the academic programs office is very willing to give tangible information that leaves me feeling confident and reassured. The CAFNR Office of Academic Programs was also a huge help in navigating where I wanted to study abroad. Although I didn’t have the chance to go to Germany because of COVID-19, I know that the office will help me in every step of the way when I decide which study abroad to do as an upperclassman. I look forward to continuing to take full advantage of the CAFNR Office of Academic Programs as I embark on my junior year at Mizzou.

CAFNR’s RISE Initiative encourages students to have a variety of extracurricular experiences during their time at Mizzou (Research, International, Service Learning, Experiential Learning). What parts of the RISE initiative have you taken advantage of so far, and which do you plan to? What have you enjoyed about these experiences?

CAFNR’s RISE Initiative is a program that makes the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources so unique. Students are highly encouraged to gain tangible, valuable skills outside of the classroom in many different facets. Fortunately, for the past two summers I have had an internship that increased the “E” piece of RISE for me, Experiential Learning. As a public policy intern for Missouri Corn in Jefferson City, Missouri, I gained hands-on learning experience. From talking to farmers about policies that affect them to networking with leaders in the Missouri agriculture industry, I took away from this internship many valuable skills that I will use someday in my future career. This past summer, I worked for Bayer Crop Science with the DEKALB Asgrow brands as a row crop sales intern. Working for 10 weeks in southwest Minnesota as an intern for this company taught me skills in interpersonal communication, marketing and helped me clarify the path I want to go now within my future career. I am thankful for CAFNR’s RISE Initiative which pushed me out of my comfort zone to reach new heights outside of the classroom.

What has been your favorite activity or experience of being a CAFNR student?

As a CAFNR student who has seen first-hand the huge benefits of the college, I would recommend anyone from any background to study in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources. The wide array of majors, outstanding faculty and staff, and students within the college make it the best of the best at the University of Missouri. One of the best ways that showcase this is during CAFNR Week. This is a week full of camaraderie, learning and celebrating our college. From getting caked in mud at the annual Mud Volleyball tournament to stopping by the Dairy Club tent to grab a grilled cheese and learn about the dairy industry, the students in the college are eager to celebrate CAFNR. I find this week is only a small snapshot of the incredible network of CAFNR students, faculty and staff that we have on and off Mizzou’s campus. Proud is the only word I can think of to describe when I walk into a CAFNR class. I am and will continue to be a proud Tiger studying in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources.