Q&A With Laura Friedrich

Friedrich is the student services coordinator for the CAFNR Office of Academic Programs

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I am a student services coordinator — so I always say my job is to help students (and families) get from where they are today to graduation. Whether that’s advising students, helping them change their major, declaring a minor, withdrawing from classes, or reviewing and submitting graduation plans. I’m also the lucky person who gets to read names at graduation. A more fun part is officially awarding the degrees to graduates in the college based on their submitted grad plans.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I’ve worked with CAFNR 10 years, officially. I was a student employee and a grad student in the CAFNR Office of Academic Programs prior to being hired full time.

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

I really enjoy working with my colleagues and CAFNR students. I love that CAFNR is a college that truly does care and wants everyone to do and be their best. I also like that I can rely on my colleagues to support each other and our students. Finally, my favorite thing is to watch students set and meet their goals. I love working with the returning student who is finishing their degree, or the legacy student who will be the 10th person in their family to be a CAFNR grad, and everyone in between.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I’m an introvert crafter. I will make anything from hair bows to ornaments to T-shirts; really, anything I can do with my Silhouette (paper cutting machine).

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

I am scared of birds. Not if they are flying, but if they can “get” me, I always get nervous. One time, I opened our back door and a bird flew in the house. I was there by myself and can’t imagine the scene while I was trying to chase it out.