Marie Dickerson Receives CAFNR Safety Leadership Award at 2023 Celebration of Excellence 

Dickerson is the building manager and safety coordinator in the Division of Biochemistry.  


white woman with brown hair pulling back in a ponytail, wearing a gray blazer

Marie Dickerson was honored with the inaugural Safety Leadership Award during CAFNR’s 2023 Celebration of Excellence ceremony on Tuesday, April 11, setting the standard of the quality of work recipients of this new award should perform, notes the awarding committee. Dickerson is the building manager and safety coordinator in the Division of Biochemistry.  

 In her role as the liaison to MU Environmental Health and Safety, Dickerson is an advocate for the safety and operation of our campus buildings, including laboratories. She is the point person for the maintenance and repair of all levels of infrastructure for students, faculty and staff, working closely with those in research and teaching laboratory environments daily.  

 “Especially during Covid-19, Marie’s work ethic and ability to get things done was tremendous,” said Cindy Greenwood, executive assistant in the School of Natural Resources. “Even though Covid-19 was unknown territory for so many of us, Marie was always thinking about making sure all teaching and research responsibilities would be safely carried through both before and after the pandeic.  

“Marie is so deserving of this award. Her service to the university can be easily and accurately described as excellent. She is a leader and a communicator but is always willing and interested in listening to new ways to improve what and how we do to ensure a safe campus.”