Let’s Get Social

MU releases new social media guidelines for employee personal usage

Mizzou Tigers are everywhere – on campus, at community events and scattered across the country as proud alumni! Social presence in the Tiger community can be powerful when it comes to reporting emergencies, sharing sports highlights, unveiling research, as well as sharing the memorable faces and spaces that make us so proud to sing “Old Missouri, Fair Missouri!”

While we want you to share your love for CAFNR and Mizzou, there are some new guidelines for personal social media usage as MU employees. Keep in mind these best practices as you engage your followers:

“Even if you are personally engaging on social media, a University of Missouri affiliation on your profile has the ability to affect the University as a whole.”

Always think before you post, and be courteous of different opinions because others will naturally associate you with the University.

“To help ensure that no one mistakes employees’ personal postings for official Mizzou communications, it is recommended that employees refrain from postings that have the appearance of speaking on behalf of the University on their personal channels.”

If you want to share campus alerts, University achievements and/or exciting campus happenings because you are, indeed, CAFNR Proud, make sure to share the original post or link to official University channels.

“If you include your employment information in your personal profile or in your username handle, be aware that you will be held to a higher level of responsibility.”

By noting you are an official University employee in your bio on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, you are held against another level of responsibility because you are directly addressing your status as an MU employee. By doing so, others may assume you are an official communicator of the University, so use sound judgment on the content you choose to share from your personal accounts.

To read the full policy guidelines, you can visit the Identity web page: https://identity.missouri.edu/social-media-personal-use/