Hendrickson Receives Award Through The Agriculture, Food and Human Value Society

Mary Hendrickson, associate professor in Rural Sociology, received the Excellence in Instruction Award at the Agriculture, Food and Human Value Society (AFHVS) virtual conference on Thursday, June 10.

The Excellence in Instruction Award honors a member for outstanding teaching related to agriculture, food, and human values at the undergraduate and/or graduate level. To be a recipient of this award, a nomination letter from a fellow AFHVS member outlining the recipient’s innovations and commitment to teaching and learning related to a particular course is required in addition to 2 endorsements from other AFHVS members.

Hendrickson has been teaching in the classroom since 2007. Before entering the classroom, she did work for extension, doing more non-formal education. She said she found her work in Extension translated well once she transitioned into the classroom. Hendrickson’s favorite part of teaching is the classroom discussion she has with her students, and the insightful questions they pose.