CAFNR Graduate Student Named DCRC Scholar

Isabella Sellmer Ramos, a Master’s student in Animal Sciences, was named the 2023 DCRC Scholar by the Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council.

Studying reproductive physiology, Ramos is investigating the underlying mechanisms of postpartum uterine disease, mainly focusing on the changes that could be observed in uterine histoarchitecture of diseased cows to potentially provide a more efficient course of treatment that could prevent reproductive losses.

The DCRC Scholars program recognizes an outstanding graduate student studying dairy, animal or veterinary science, microbiology or a related program, with an area of interest that includes dairy cattle reproduction and fertility. Applicants submitted an interest statement that detailed their interest in dairy cattle reproduction, career goals and research project, and their academic adviser provided a letter of recommendation.

The Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council is focused on bringing together all sectors of the dairy industry – producers, consultants, academia and allied industry professionals – for improved reproductive performance.