Assistant Professor
School of Natural Resources - CAFNR
Assistant Professor
Chemical and Biomedical Engineering - College of Engineering
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
Noel Aloysius is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering. His research interests include: Hydroclimatology with emphasis on modeling at watershed to regional scale; water and food security assessment; coupled human-natural systems; environmental change; land and water management in agriculture and remote-sensing for natural resource management.
Noel Aloysius’ research and teaching focus on terrestrial hydrology, watershed biophysical processes and environmental informatics. Noel’s research group investigates how climate and weather, landscapes and land management drive precipitation-runoff processes and fate and transport of pollution at field-, watershed- and continental-scale river basins. His group utilizes field observations, long-term hydro-climate data, numerical and statistical models to examine the movement of water, solutes and sediments in response to environmental change and human management. Noel is a member of the Gulf Hypoxia Task Force SERA-46 research group representing the University of Missouri. The SERA-46 group is a consortium of twelve Land Grant Universities whose mission is to promote research and extension activities related to the environmental and socioeconomic factors that contribute to pollution in receiving waters and hypoxia in the Gulf of Mexico.
Educational background
- Ph.D., Yale University, 2015
- M.S., University of North Dakota, 2006
- B.Sc.Eng., University of Peradeniya, 1997
Courses taught
- Watershed Modeling Using GIS
- Environmental Hydrology
- Observing the Earth from Space
- Numerical Methods in Engineering
- Advanced Hydroinformatics