College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Animal Sciences
Integrates molecular and cellular biology, immunology, genomics and computational biology into the traditional fields of reproduction, nutrition, physiology and genetics.

Applied Social Sciences
Engages those who lead and work in the food and agriculture system, hospitality sector and communities, and empowers decision-making in management, policy, education and economic development arenas.

Partners with the School of Medicine to investigate plants, molecular medicine, structural and chemical biology, enzymology, nutrition, metabolism, receptors and gene expression.

Food, Nutrition & Exercise Sciences
Advances the science and engineering of food, and develops novel technologies for health, nutrition and physical activity.

Plant Science & Technology
Advances basic and applied science in agronomic and horticultural crop systems through crop management and physiology, plant genomics, and plant-microbe and plant-insect interactions.

School of Natural Resources
Studies areas of agroforestry, water quality, conservation biology, watershed management, climate, and management of forests, tourism, fisheries and wildlife.