Associate Professor
Division of Applied Social Sciences
Coordinator - Society and Sustainability Graduate Certificate
Division of Applied Social Sciences
Research at a glance
Area(s) of Expertise
Research Summary
Trained as an environmental and resource social scientist with emphasis on human population dynamics and sustainable development, Dr. Qin has a diverse academic background in sociology and rural sociology, demography, geography, environmental science as well as mixed and spatial methodological research. His interdisciplinary training and research experience focus on analyzing social and cultural aspects of natural resources and environmental systems.
Educational background
- Ph.D., Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences (Environmental and Resource Sociology), University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2009
- M.S., Statistics. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2007
- M.S., Sociology, China Agricultural University, 2003
- B.A., International Business and English, China Agricultural University, 2000
Courses taught
- ABM/NAT_R/PEA_ST/SOCIOL 1120: Population, Environment and Sustainability
- ABM/NAT_R/SOCIOL 4370/7370: Society, Environment and Natural Resources
- AAE/NAT_R/SOCIOL 8287: Seminar on Sustainable Development
- AAE/NAT_R 8510: Interdisciplinary Quantitative and Mixed Research Methods
- AAE 8436: Community, Natural Resources and Sustainability