CAFNR Senior Spotlight – Q&A with Tamia Ray

Ray is a senior graduating in December with a degree in nutrition and exercise physiology.

Tamia Ray

Q: Why did you choose to come to the University of Missouri?
In addition to the scholarships and grants I received, I chose to come to the University of Missouri because of the networking opportunities and student involvement on campus.

Q: Why did you choose to pursue a degree in nutrition and exercise physiology?
I chose to study nutrition and exercise physiology to challenge myself as a pre-physician’s assistance student. My NEP emphasis is a heavily science-based curriculum that focuses on metabolism, while teaching students about research and how to conduct a study.

Q: Were you involved in any extracurricular activities? If so, could you talk about those experiences?
I was involved in several organizations such as Legion of Black Collegians, YoungLife, Pre-PA Association, and Minority Association of Pre-health Students. In addition, I volunteered for Meals on Wheels and work as a Certified Medical Assistant at the University Hospital. All of these activities gave me the opportunity to network and create amazing relationships with amazing people!

Q: Did you partake in any research, study abroad, or internship opportunities? What did you enjoy about those experiences?
I was involved as an intern for Mizzou Athletics working with Nutrition and Sports Medicine. This was a great opportunity to gain insight on colligate sports and the responsibilities of different positions such as a Sport Medicine Doctor, Athletic Trainer, and Nutritionist.

Q: What is a favorite memory you have during your time in CAFNR?
My favorite memory in CAFNR was performing labs in Physiology of Exercise. We were able to explore different tests performed by Exercise Physiologists and operate technology such as DEXA, Parvo Medic True 2400, and more.

Q: How did your degree program prepare you for the future?
My degree program taught me how to perform research studies, write lab reports, and evaluate peer-reviewed articles. This is essential because I want to be a healthcare provider which means I must stay up to date with evidence-based research.

Q: What are your future plans?
After I graduate, I plan to take a gap year before attending physician’s assistant school. In my gap year, I will be doing nutritional counseling and working in the hospital to accumulate patient contact hours.