Q&A with Michelle Enger

Enger is the director of CAFNR Marketing & Communications

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I am so proud to work with an awesome team to share stories of student success; research innovations; Extension initiatives; faculty, staff and student honors; diversity and inclusion initiatives; and international outreach with our students, faculty, staff, alumni, colleagues and stakeholders via newsletters, the web, social media and print. It’s an honor to tell CAFNR’s story!

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I was so lucky to begin my Mizzou career in CAFNR! I had worked previously as a writer at K-State, and knew I wanted to continue communicating for higher education when my family moved back home to Columbia. My first job in CAFNR was as the senior information specialist for the Center for Agroforestry. I so enjoyed promoting such a wonderful agricultural/forestry practice for four years! In 2011 CAFNR was expanding the communications team, and I was excited to join as the marketing communications coordinator. After eight years in that role, I was promoted to director – and am still so appreciative for this opportunity!

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

Honestly, I don’t know that I could/would work anywhere other than higher education communications! I get to learn about new things every single day from incredibly talented researchers and educators – and that coupled with the energy the students bring to a college campus – there’s just no place like it!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I am a huge sports fan and also enjoy reading of really any kind. I am also a trivia fanatic and help host a fundraiser each year with my family. I think the preciseness of how trivia questions have to be phrased so there’s no grey areas (aka, ability for teams to question the results, ha!) speaks to my love of writing and editing. I have three kids – the oldest in high school and the youngest about to start kindergarten (the middle one about to start middle school!) – so my brain and my time is stretched in a lot of different ways – but I still try to make time for hobbies!

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

I absolutely love Hotwheels – there is typically a new track and/or cars under the tree for me each holiday season!