Q&A With Cindy Greenwood

Greenwood is the executive assistant in the School of Natural Resources

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I am the Executive Assistant in the School of Natural Resources. I provide support to our Director, Dr. Patrick Market. I handle his calendar, work with faculty on promotion and tenure, annual reviews, faculty hiring/interviews, event planning, and I am the Building Coordinator for ABNR. I also am a member of the Director’s Staff Advisory Team in SNR and Co-Chair of the CAFNR Staff Council.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I started in SNR on June 1, 2015. Previously on campus, I worked in Human Relations, MU Direct, and the College of Education (with a two-year break along the way to move to Norman, Oklahoma).

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

I came to CAFNR from the College of Education and I had always heard that CAFNR was truly a family and a wonderful place to work. (Truth!) Working in CAFNR has opened up a lot of opportunities for me to work with a variety of stakeholders, learn a new skill set and new agriculture lingo, and become familiar with all of the Research Facilities and Centers. One of the best results of working in CAFNR has been my time working with the CAFNR Staff Council!

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

One thing “good” about the pandemic is that it’s forced me to calm/slow down and do a lot more reading; I like to walk our dogs; and, I like doing crossword puzzles.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

It’s not quite the secret it used to be but I am scared to death of owls! Never has an owl done anything to me but they are just weird – freaky eyes and their head tilts and bobs and they are just shifty! I’ve come into contact with owls when the CVM Raptor Rehab folks came to one of our fall open houses and then in January they brought an owl to a STAFNR Happy Hour but luckily it was via Zoom. I’m trying to work through it!