Q&A With Rhonda Turner

Turner is the executive assistant in the CAFNR Office of Research

What are your job duties/job responsibilities in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources?

I am the executive assistant to Shibu Jose, the associate dean in the CAFNR Office of Research. I maintain his calendar of meetings and events ensuring he is prepared in advance. I also handle the administrative duties of the office and act as liaison to both internal and external audiences. I assist Shibu on a variety of projects related to the CAFNR Office of Research.

How long have you worked in CAFNR?

I will have worked in CAFNR for six years this July.

What do you enjoy about working for CAFNR/Mizzou?

The faculty and staff  who I work with in CAFNR are some of the best folks I’ve had the pleasure of working with. My favorite time of year in CAFNR is field day season because I get to travel to the Research Centers and participate in the field day activities. It also gives me the opportunity to engage with other CAFNR employees across the state who I don’t get to see on a regular basis. I feel blessed to have spent my 30-year career working for MU.

What do you enjoy doing in your free time?

I really enjoy gardening, food preservation, mushroom hunting, camping and hiking. Obviously, I like the spring and summer months.

What is something your co-workers/other CAFNR employees don’t know about you?

I am pretty good pool player. While I don’t play in tournaments, I enjoy playing with friends, and have been encouraged to participate in local tournaments.