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Inside CAFNR
MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

As a future University of Missouri Tiger, we want you to get a glimpse of what you can experience as a student in the MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR). Click on the links below to learn more about the CAFNR Experience and click here to schedule a visit with us to see for yourself!

Message from the CAFNR Student Council President
 (click to read)

When I first arrived at the University of Missouri as a freshman agricultural education major, I was excited to experience the family feel from CAFNR that I encountered during my official college visit. I was a bit nervous coming to such a big university, but I quickly learned that CAFNR has so much to offer – both inside and outside of the classroom.

Right away, I made sure to join a few of the numerous clubs and organizations that CAFNR offers its students. Once I saw all the good that those groups were doing, I realized that I wanted to dive in deeper. I served as a CAFNR Ambassador and soon joined the CAFNR Student Council. Now, as the student council president, I have learned about so many great clubs and organizations that are doing amazing things in the Columbia community and beyond. I never would have known some of them even existed without getting more involved!

Those clubs and organizations are just a small part of the CAFNR Experience. The experience offers students access to award-winning advisors and teachers; research opportunities with internationally renowned scientists; multiple study abroad options; career expos; hands-on learning experiences; and so much more! Take a peek at the stories below to see how CAFNR prepares students to be successful — not just in the classroom but also in their future careers!

Hailey Douglass
Senior, Agricultural Education

CAFNR Has a Lot to Offer

Each of the 14 degree programs in CAFNR impact the largest industries in the region and address the most significant challenges in our world today, including agricultural policy and economics; tourism and hospitality; food nutrition, production, processing and safety; environmental sustainability; and animal and human health.

  • CAFNR awards $1.3 million in scholarships annually
  • Graduation rate is 14% higher than state and national averages
  • 99% of graduates are employed full-time or enrolled in graduate school
  • 200-plus employers recruit CAFNR students
  • 47% of CAFNR students graduate debt free
  • Multiple accelerated programs provide opportunities to earn bachelor’s and master’s degrees simultaneously
RISE Initiative
 (click to read)

All CAFNR undergraduate students take part in a “signature experience” during their time on campus. This is denoted as the “RISE” Initiative: Research, International, Service learning, Experiential learning. Read more about some of those experiences below!

Making an Impact
 (click to read)

A degree from CAFNR impacts your future and career, as well as the core components of society — helping to feed the world and keep it healthy. Several of our graduates were featured during the week of commencement, with each of them sharing their favorite experiences as CAFNR students and how the College prepared them for the future.

Growing His Writing Portfolio (click to read)
Growing His Writing Portfolio »

Joe Butler’s job with Gardener’s Path allows him to combine his two passions – plants and writing

Clubs and Organizations
Get Involved in CAFNR! (click to read)
Get Involved in CAFNR! »

Build leadership skills and friendships in more than 40 CAFNR-specific clubs and organizations. Each program has activities tailored to its students, in addition to many College-wide opportunities. Getting involved is a great way to expand on classroom learning, meet others with similar interests — and have some fun along the way!