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Faculty & Staff Newsletter // September 2018
Feature Story
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Inspirational Impact
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Coming Soon

Join us as we roll out our strategic priorities and goals at the faculty/staff BBQ on Thursday, Sept. 20, at 11:30 a.m. in the Ag Building Courtyard. You’ll learn ways you can help drive CAFNR to distinction and hear about the progress made over the last year since initiating CAFNR’s Strategic Planning process. Make plans to join us next week!

Innovative Thinking
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Personal Connections
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This month we recognize the following faculty and staff members for their years of service!

  • Bryan Garton, senior associate dean and director of academic programs, celebrated 25 years of service Aug. 1.
  • Jason Young, instructor, School of Natural Resources, celebrated five years of service Aug. 1.
  • Kevin Bradley, professor, Ag Ext-plant sciences, celebrated 15 years of service Aug. 15.
  • Sonja Wilhelm Stanis, associate professor, School of Natural Resources, celebrated 10 years of service Aug. 15.
  • David Grant, engineer II, bioengineering, celebrated 10 years of service Aug. 18.
  • Michele Warmund, professor, Ag Ext-plant sciences, celebrated 35 years of service Aug. 24.