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CAFNR Research Digest
CAFNR Office of Research Newsletter // Nov. 17, 2022 // 4(23)
Feature Story
Monitoring Missouri (click to read)
Monitoring Missouri »

Celebrating 30 years of the Lakes of Missouri Volunteer Program.

Research Highlights
Tourism is On the Go Again in CAFNR (click to read)
Tourism is On the Go Again in CAFNR »

New faculty ramping up research efforts in the revived program.

University of Missouri is Helping the Aviation Industry Go “Green” (click to read)
University of Missouri is Helping the Aviation Industry Go “Green” »

Using part of a $12.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Energy, MU researchers, including CAFNR faculty, are working with an interdisciplinary group to optimize green energy for aviation use

"Tim's Take" Podcast Debuts »

You can now listen to the first episode of the new podcast, “Tim’s Take,” where Tim Reinbott, director of communications for the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station (MOAES), talks about tips to feed cattle this winter with his first guest, Eric Bailey, assistant professor of animal sciences and state beef extension specialist. This podcast will share the regional research, activities and expertise from the MOAES.

You can find Tim’s Take on your favorite podcast site.

Research Roars

Two CAFNR Faculty Named 2022 Highly Cited Researchers

Two faculty in the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources have been named 2022 Highly Cited Researchers by Clarivate. Ron Mittler, Curators’ Distinguished Professor in plant science and technology, along with Bing Yang, professor of plant science and technology, were awarded this prestigious distinction — marking them as among the most influential researchers in the world.

CAFNR faculty members have received the following recent grants (listed by Principal Investigator):

Grover Shannon, Enhancing Sting Bug Resistance in Midsouth Soybean, Louisiana State University, 4/1/22-3/31/23, $30,000

Felix Fritschi, Identification of genomic regions underpinning soybean phosphorus uptake and use efficiency to improve sustainability of soybean production, Smith Bucklin/USB, 10/1/22-9/30/23, $194,674

Andrew Scaboo, Development and Deployment of High Oleic/Low Linolenic Acid Soybean, Smith Bucklin/USB, 10/1/22-9/30/23, $819,207

James Heiser, Evaluation of residual herbicide performance when incorporated with furrow irrigation versus overhead sprinkler irrigation, Cotton, Inc., 1/1/23-12/31/23, $12,625

Deborah Finke, Utilizing Technology and Conservation Practices to Produce More Economically and Environmentally Sustainable Soybeans, Smith Bucklin/USB, 10/1/22-9/30/23, $175,203

Jianfeng Zhou, Improving soybean production, seed quality and soil health using digital agriculture technologies, Smith Bucklin/USB, 10/1/22-9/30/23, $104,081

Reid Smeda, Performance of BAS 1010H for burndown weed control for vegetation management, BASF Corp, 3/14/22-12/31/23, $21,600

Henry Nguyen, Sustainable broad-spectrum SCN resistance varieties using gene editing, TILLING, regulatory epigenome, and whole-genome sequencing, Smith Bucklin/USB, 10/1/22-9/30/23, $310,000

Grant Tips

Why do grant proposals go through Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) before submission to the sponsor?

Sponsored Programs Administration has delegated authority to sign agreements on behalf of the institution. Most funders will only accept proposals from an authorized official on behalf of the university. Investigators do not have the authority to sign contracts binding MU to obligations outlined in their proposals.

Why do you need to get your grant proposal to Sponsored Programs Administration (SPA) five days ahead of the sponsor’s deadline?

On average, MU researchers submit more than 1,900 proposals a year. SPA professionals work with detailed checklists during the review process, making sure each proposal is in line with agency guidelines, complies with institutional policies and procedures and asks for the right amount of funding. For example, some researchers don’t realize their budget should include the cost of tuition if graduate student assistantships are part of the grant. Not including or incorrectly calculating facilities and administrative costs (F&A) is another common budget error. SPA needs time to work with investigators to make corrections or adjustments to ensure they have enough funding to do the scope of work.

In the News

MU scientists, others look to convert cover crops into aviation fuel
Columbia Daily Tribune

Pastures, goats benefit from grazing an invasive species
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