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Inside CAFNR
CAFNR Office of Academic Programs Newsletter // Nov. 2023
Feature Stories
Study Abroad Scholarships and Loans (click to read)
Study Abroad Scholarships and Loans »

CAFNR celebrated National First-Generation College Student Week this month! Get to know some of our first-generation students:

Q&A with Emma Schudel

Q&A with Harleigh Lewis

Q&A with Makenna Shifflett

Q&A with Lidia Myers

Labs & Services (click to read)
Labs & Services »
RISE Initiative
 (click to read)
Industry Involvement
 (click to read)

The 2023 Agribusiness Career Connection Program, supported by the Dickenson Fund, took place Saturday, Nov. 18, through Tuesday, Nov. 21.

CAFNR students traveled by bus to Minnesota for this industry tour and professional networking program.

As part of the program, participants took part in ‘Funday Sunday’ and visited the Mall of America, the largest mall in the United States.

During the program, students visited KWS Group, CHS, Inc., and Hormel Foods and learned about the various career paths, internship opportunities, and full-time employment opportunities available to them. In addition, students had the opportunity to interface with industry professionals and expand their professional network of industry contacts as part of these employer site visits.

Young Alumni Feature
Career Services (click to read)
Career Services »

CAFNR Student Council members participated in a grocery-packing event at the Food Bank of Central and Northeast Missouri on Nov.15, in partnership with Convoy of Hope from Springfield, Mo. Students bagged shelf-stable grocery items to provide local families in need with ingredients for a nutritious and delicious meal. Together, they packed 4,165 bags of food. Sixty four CAFNR students attended and the most represented student organizations were Alpha Gamma Sigma and Ag Ed Society.

“Service learning is important in CAFNR,” said Bryan Garton, senior associate dean. “We appreciate Convoy of Hope for providing the food items and the Food Bank for sharing their space with us. This great activity would not have been possible without the leadership and persistence of our CAFNR student council president, Lauryn Robnett, bringing all the elements together.”

Other student and faculty honors this month included: