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CAFNR Research Digest
CAFNR Office of Research Newsletter // September 26, 2019 // 1(16)
Agricultural Research Centers
Field Days (click to read)
Field Days

To showcase the vast research taking place at the Agricultural Research Center, there will be numerous Field Days during the next few weeks. Upcoming Field Days include:

Photo slideshows from recent Field Days:

Funding Agency News
Grant Writing Tip: Always Consider the Reviewers’ Perspective
  • There are three different types of readers: critical readers, searchers, skimmers – write for all of them.
  • Make your proposal easy to read.
    • Use white space.
    • Avoid big blocks of text.
    • Limit sentences to 15 words or less.
    • Use left alignment – it’s easier for the eyes to follow from line to line.
    • Use superscript numbers for references cited, if the sponsor allows.
    • Graphics/pictures are wonderful, but don’t make the words in your figures too small. Yes, the reviewer can enlarge the image on their monitor, but they probably don’t want to take the time to do that.
  • Don’t make them work too hard to assess your proposal according to the criteria.
    • Use the review criteria to determine the order of the information you present.
    • Use subheaders/bolding that correspond with the criteria categories.
Research Roars

Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) celebrates its 35th anniversary
This year, the Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute (FAPRI) celebrates its 35th anniversary. With its more than 20 contributing faculty, staff and students, FAPRI works with Congress to shape U.S. farm policy. It provides objective analysis of agricultural markets and policies and uses economic models to estimate how those policies affect consumers and markets. Recently FAPRI was named as one of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources’ Programs of Distinction. Access more information about the institute and its work at

Andres Mesa receives Best Poster Presentation Award
Rural sociology PhD student Andres Mesa received the Best Poster Presentation of a Theme with International Significance award during the 2019 Community Development Society Conference. The presentation, “Identification of food deserts in Colombia,” shared several conclusions focused on how Colombia may begin to identify food deserts and the reasons they developed, consider how policy may facilitate investment in areas with food deserts and find solutions to the food desert challenges in rural Colombian communities.

Paula Chen, 2020 Peter W. Farin Trainee Travel Scholarship Award winner
CAFNR graduate student Paula Chen has received the 2020 Peter W. Farin Trainee Travel Scholarship Award. The Peter Farin Travel Award (between $500 and $1,500) is open to any trainee (undergraduate, graduate, postdoctoral, or veterinary student) who plans to attend the International Embryo Technology Society (IETS) annual meeting.

Paula’s research focuses on improving pig embryo development in an artificial culture system so that we can study early developmental processes and create genetically-modified pigs with resistance to certain viruses or other advantageous traits.

CAFNR research funding on the rise
CAFNR is up 13.3% in grants and contracts in FY 2019 compared to the previous fiscal year.

CAFNR faculty members have received the following recent grants (listed by Principal Investigator):
Thomas W. Bonnot, Development of Landscape Health Index (LHI) for Missouri Priority Geographies, 4/15/2019 – 6/20/2021, $47,411, U.S. Geological Survey

Kevin W. Bradley, An Integrated Pest Management Approach to Addressing the Multiple Herbicide-resistant Weed Epidemic in U.S. Field Crop Production (Missouri), 8/25/2015 – 8/24/2020, $20,000, Agricultural Research Service

Kerry M. Clark, East Africa Plant Health Support to EAC, 8/31/2019 – 12/31/2020, $199,975, Foreign Agricultural Service

Kerry M. Clark, W. Africa Plant Health Support to ECOWAS, 9/23/2019 – 12/31/2020, $250,000, Foreign Agricultural Service

David D. Diamond, Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS)-Federal, 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2021, $165,000, Texas A&M University

David D. Diamond, Texas A&M Forest Service (TFS)-State, 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2021, $50,000, Texas A&M University

Toshihiko Ezashi, Maintenance of Stem Cell Pluripotency in Pigs with Interleukin-6, 8/1/2018 – 7/31/2020, $77,498, Virginia Tech

Toshihiko Ezashi, Development of stem cell-based models for citrate transporter epileptic disease, 7/1/2019 – 6/30/2020, $5,767, Tess Research Foundation

Scott A. Gerlt, Improving the United States Module in Aglink-Cosimo, 9/18/2019 – 9/29/2020, $475,000, Department of Agriculture

Michael Gold, Agroforestry and Specialty Crop Development for Resource Stewardship, Livelihoods and Vibrant Communities across Missouri, 9/15/2018 – 9/30/2021, $27,103, Department of Agriculture

Robert L. Kallenbach, Scattering the Seed: An Initiative to Promote Cover Crop Use, Benefits to Agricultural Ecosystems, and Acquiring NRCS Technical Assistance, 9/14/2016 – 9/30/2021, $54,821, Department of Agriculture

Robert L. Kallenbach, MU-NRCS Grasslands Project, 9/15/2017 – 9/30/2022, $314,789, Department of Agriculture

Mary S. Leuci, Technical Education Development for Modernized Agriculture (TEDMAG) in Ghana, 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2021, $425,512, University of Saskatchewan

Gerald Miller Jr., Evaluation of Experimental Kentucky Bluegrass Cultivars from Columbia River Seed for Use in the Transition Zone, 9/1/2019 – 12/31/2022, $12,000, Columbia River Seed

Gerald Miller Jr., Evaluation of Disease Control Practices on Putting Greens, 4/1/2019 – 10/31/2019, $8,000, BASF Corp

Amy Patillo, Missouri Strike Force Farmers Development Project, 9/15/2017 – 9/30/2020, $75,000, Department of Agriculture

Craig P. Paukert, Developing Adaptation Strategies and Replacement Costs for Recreational and Tribal Fisheries, 9/17/2018 – 9/30/2021, $120,856, U.S. Geological Survey

Kenneth C. Schneeberger, CFP19 Egypt – DDGs and Corn Gluten Meal, 9/9/2019 – 3/8/2020, $50,851, Foreign Agricultural Service

Michael C. Stambaugh, Oak Woodlands & Forests Fire Consortium 2019 to 2021, 8/26/2019 – 9/30/2021, $294,218, Forest Service

Jay J. Thelen, A New Paradigm for Regulation of De Novo Fatty Acid Synthesis in Plants, 8/15/2017 – 7/31/2020, $247,057, NSF Directorate for Biological Sciences

Provided by the MU Office of Research

In the News

Forage Systems Research Center Field Day focused on beef cattle, forages
Chillicothe News

Passion for Pigs

The Climate Corp., University of Missouri form tech partnership
Missouri Ruralist

McPherson/Hunolt Property Honored as Missouri Century Farm
Memphis Democrat

Is diversification right for your operation?
Farm Talk Newspaper

Supplies will keep weighing on markets

The photo featured in the header showcases “fun on the farm” from last year’s South Farm Showcase. This year’s event will be Saturday, Sept. 28, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the center at 3600 East New Haven Road in Columbia. Learn more about all of the activities and educational opportunities — and make plans to come out!