Congress Takes Steps to Continue Grant Awards During Budget Negotiations
Public Law No: 117-180 passed
This division provides continuing FY2023 appropriations to federal agencies through Dec. 16 or the enactment of the applicable appropriations act. It is known as a continuing resolution and prevents the government shutdown that would otherwise occur when the FY2023 appropriations bills were not enacted when FY2023 began Oct. 1.
The continuing resolution funds most programs and activities at the FY2022 levels with several exceptions that provide funding flexibility and additional appropriations for various programs. Section 101 provides FY2023 appropriations to federal agencies for continuing projects or activities at the levels and under the conditions included in specified FY2022 appropriations acts.
NIH will operate under this continuing resolution.
NIH Institutes and/or Centers may, at their discretion, issue non-competing research grant awards at a level below that indicated on the most recent Notice of Award. Upward adjustments to awarded levels will be considered after FY 2023 appropriations are enacted, but NIH expects institutions to monitor their expenditures carefully during this period. NOT-OD-23-005