University of Missouri researchers recently received a grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) to provide technical, regionally customized cover crop training to industry farm advisors across the United States. Matching funding is coming from the Walton Family Foundation, Missouri Department of Natural Resources, North Carolina State University and American Seed Trade Association, for a total of nearly $600,000. Rob Myers, adjunct associate professor in the Division of Plant Sciences, is leading a group of scientists and collaborators who are conducting those trainings to showcase the importance of cover crops and their benefits, as well as encourage cover crop adoption. The goal is to provide consistent trainings across the industry so that farmers can receive the best support for soil health management. “Cover crops have great potential to improve soil health and sequester soil carbon, while providing many other benefits such as weed control,” Myers said in the grant release. “By helping industry farm advisors have access to the latest information on cover crops, we feel farmers will ultimately benefit as they get management guidance from their private sector fertilizer and seed dealers and consulting agronomists.” Read more about the grant and about FFAR. |