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CAFNR Research Digest
CAFNR Office of Research Newsletter // December 5, 2019 // 1(21)
Feature Story
‘The Pinnacle of My Career’ (click to read)
‘The Pinnacle of My Career’ »

Peter Sutovsky named 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Agricultural Research Centers
Superintendents Meeting (click to read)
Superintendents Meeting »

The Agricultural Research Center superintendents held their annual meeting in St. Louis this week, from Dec. 3-5. The three-day meeting included discussions about the past year as well as brainstorming sessions for 2020. There were several tours throughout the three days, including stops at the Helix Center, The Climate Corporation, Donald Danforth Plant Science Center and Tiger Fiber. David Davis (Forage Systems Research Center) was given the Outstanding Superintendent Award during the meeting, while Thresa Chism (Bradford Research Center) received the Outstanding Staff Award.

Research Roars

CAFNR faculty members have received the following recent grants (listed by Principal Investigator):

Kevin W. Bradley, Take Action – Multi State Herbicide Resistant Crops and Weeds Educational Program, 10/1/2019 – 9/30/2020, $30,000, Purdue University

Kevin W. Bradley, Deconstructing Off-Target Movement of Auxin Herbicides (FY20), 1/1/2020 – 12/31/2020, $77,000, Purdue University

Craig Payne, Veterinary Education and Training in Beef Cattle Reproduction and Genomics, 9/1/2019 – 8/31/2022, $236,750, National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Reid J. Smeda, Integrating Best Management Practices for Weeds with Multiple Herbicide Resistance in Soybean Production Systems (FY20), 10/1/2019 – 9/30/2020, $39,996, Purdue University

Michael C. Stambaugh, Shortleaf Pine Initiative, 4/1/2019 – 3/31/2020, $14,500, University of Tennessee

Provided by the MU Office of Research

In the News

Weather affects insect pressure for Missouri crops in 2019
Ag Update

Extension guides help industrial hemp growers
Ag Update

When is the Right Time to Feed Hay?
Ozarks Farm & Neighbor

The Division of Animal Sciences recently added an Equine Science and Management Certificate, a program that will allow students to emphasize and quantify to employers their hands-on work experience with horses. To achieve the certificate, students must take six equine courses, with four of the six being experiential-learning based at the MU Equine Teaching Facility. Students also have the option of fulfilling some requirements by completing internships with industry professionals. Typically, it will take students five semesters to complete the certificate; however, it can be completed in three or four semesters if needed. The certificate is available to any student, starting fall of 2019. Students who have met the requirements and will graduate in December of 2019 are eligible for the certificate.