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CAFNR Research Digest
CAFNR Office of Research Newsletter //August 13, 2020 // 2(15)
Feature Stories
Tracking Two Bird Species (click to read)
Tracking Two Bird Species »

Mitch Weegman recently received $2.4 million in funding to track wild turkeys, black ducks

Agricultural Research Centers
Graves-Chapple Virtual Field Day - Aug. 25 »

Instead of offering an in-person event, Graves-Chapple will go virtual this year. They will offer a handful of online, prerecorded presentations that will be available via the Center’s website and Facebook page.

Fisher Delta Virtual Field Day - Aug. 28 (click to read)
Fisher Delta Virtual Field Day - Aug. 28 »

The Fisher Delta Research Center’s field day will be virtual this year. They will offer a handful of online, prerecorded presentations that will be available via the Center’s website and Facebook page. The presentation will begin around 8:30 a.m. on Friday, Aug. 28.

A New Path: New City Road To Go Through South Farm (click to read)
A New Path: New City Road To Go Through South Farm »

A new road will soon be constructed through CAFNR’s South Farm Research Center, but disruption to operations will be minimal and visibility for the research center will be increased, according to Tim Reinbott, South Farm superintendent and assistant director of the Missouri Agricultural Experiment Station.

Visit the links below to check out the first two Agricultural Research Center Virtual Field Days.

Research Roars

An Investment in Agriculture

The third project as part of a $6.5 million investment in CAFNR’s Agricultural Research Centers has been completed. This most recent project was at Foremost Dairy Research Center, located just west of Columbia, and included pumping and cleaning out the existing lagoon and building a manure-handling system to increase the life of the lagoon. In the future, this can even be part of a sustainable system for the dairy by incorporating the manure spreading with precision agriculture. This also gives the lagoon another 25 years or more of life.

The recent investment in the Ag Research Centers came from the UM System, MU, CAFNR and MU Extension. The goal of this historic investment is to enhance the university’s ability to share next-generation agricultural technologies developed by MU researchers with Missouri’s farmers and ranchers. The first project as part of the investment was the completion of a new educational building at the Southwest Research Center in Mt. Vernon, Missouri. The second project improved the infrastructure to measure daily feed intake and weight gain in feedlot cattle at the Beef Farm, located at the South Farm Research Center in Columbia.

In the News

Brookfield taking part in statewide wastewater testing program

MU researching new herbicides

Brownfield AG News

GPS backpacks could help reverse wild turkey decline in North America

University of Missouri

Produce contamination accounts for an estimated 46 percent of foodborne illnesses across the United States each year — a serious issue affecting health, the economy and society as a whole. Even in the midst of the current pandemic, safety training for produce farmers is not only vital, but required for many, said MU Extension horticulture field specialist Patrick Byers. MU Extension and other partners are offering an online training for Midwest produce growers.