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Inside CAFNR
CAFNR Office of Academic Programs Newsletter // Oct. 2024
Feature Story
CAFNR Students Leading the Legacy (click to read)
CAFNR Students Leading the Legacy

Check out these stories about how CAFNR students got involved in Homecoming!

RISE Initiative
New study abroad program to France gives insight to agricultural education and industry (click to read)
New study abroad program to France gives insight to agricultural education and industry »

Abby Loesing, senior agricultural education (communication and leadership emphasis) major, traveled to France on the maiden voyage of the agricultural education study abroad program.

Personal Financial Planning students practice their career skills and help fellow students as Peer Financial Coaches (click to read)
Personal Financial Planning students practice their career skills and help fellow students as Peer Financial Coaches »

The Office for Financial Success offers many free tools to students to improve their financial wellbeing and literacy skills, and many Personal Financial Planning students work in the office to help their peers.

Industry Involvement
Internship Spotlight - Leigha Patton (click to read)
Internship Spotlight - Leigha Patton

Leigha Patton, Senior, Natural Resource Science and Management, Fisheries and Wildlife emphasis

Hometown: Camp Point, Illinois

What was your internship (location, regular job duties)? I interned as a Research Assistant in MU’s Veterinary Pathobiology department looking at prevalence of Bovine Anaplasmosis in male American Dog Ticks in Missouri. My role was a mix of field and lab work. We traveled to various cattle farms across Missouri and dragged for ticks in fields, brought them back to the lab for identification, and tested the male American Dog Ticks for presence of Bovine Anaplasmosis.

How did you find your internship? I was extremely interested in finding a position in research where I could learn about veterinary medicine and natural resources simultaneously. After reaching out to MUCVM about my interest, I was able to be connected with this internship.

What was your favorite part of the experience? My favorite part about my internship was spending the summer outdoors. Although hot, it was so much fun to hike around cattle fields and beautiful farms.

What was your biggest challenge/learning experience during the internship? Do you feel like you improved those skills/solved those problems as the internship went on?
My biggest challenge was when I started identifying ticks. Especially for engorged or crushed ticks, it can be particularly hard to get a distinct species identification. Over time and with lots of practice, I found it to be much easier and now I can quickly look at a tick and identify it.

What was the most important thing you learned during this internship that will help you in your career?
Ticks and tick-borne diseases are a hot topic in small animal, large animal, wildlife, and human medicine alike. As a pre-vet student, having the ability to quickly identify a tick and narrow down possible tick-borne diseases based on that identification is an incredibly unique and valuable skill as a veterinary professional that I will carry with me in my future endeavors.

Young Alumni
Parks, Recreation, Sport and Tourism alumni begin their careers through connections to Mizzou Athletics (click to read)
Parks, Recreation, Sport and Tourism alumni begin their careers through connections to Mizzou Athletics »

Through the Parks, Recreation, Sport and Tourism degree program, CAFNR students can complete their senior capstone with Mizzou Athletics before potentially moving into a full-time staff role.

  • Christopher Daubert, Vice Chancellor and Dean of the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, was selected to receive the Honorary American FFA Degree. The Honorary American FFA Degree is given to those who advance agricultural education and FFA through outstanding personal commitment. Dean Daubert received the award during the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024.
  • The fourth annual CAFNR Research Symposium was held Tuesday, Oct. 1, and included a poster session. Undergraduate winners include:
    • Haylen McKnelly, first place, Food, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences
    • Carissa Bersche, second place, Biochemistry
    • Samuel Martin, third place, Food, Nutrition and Exercise Sciences