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CAFNR Research Digest
CAFNR Office of Research Newsletter // Jan. 23, 2025 // 7(2)
Feature Story
Inaugural director named for Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands & Aquatic Systems (click to read)
Inaugural director named for Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands & Aquatic Systems »

Rick Relyea joins Mizzou program July 1, 2025, from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

The Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands and Aquatic Systems at the University of Missouri’s College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources (CAFNR) has selected Rick Relyea as its first director, starting July 1, 2025. In addition, Relyea will assume the William J. Rucker Professorship in Fisheries and Wildlife, in the School of Natural Resources.

“I am excited to be working with such an impressive partnership of conservation organizations,” Relyea said of his appointment. “The power of this partnership lies in the outstanding scientists and conservationists who are contributing their talents to make the Johnny Morris Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands and Aquatic Systems a national center for education, research and resource management.”

Relyea is currently David M. Darrin ’40 Senior Endowed Chair in the Department of Biological Sciences and acting department head of Earth & Environmental Sciences at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). He has also served as director of both the Darrin Freshwater Institute at RPI and of The Jefferson Project, a public-private collaboration to protect fresh water using advanced technologies. His specialization is in freshwater ecosystems, and he has been involved in education, mentoring, outreach and research throughout his career.

Research Highlights
Final fall 2024 Show-Me-Select sale sets record (click to read)
Final fall 2024 Show-Me-Select sale sets record »

Palmyra’s Show-Me-Select Heifer sale set a local record with $1.16 million in sales, highlighting MU Extension's impactful heifer replacement program.

Center for Agroforestry to host 16th Annual Symposium (click to read)
Center for Agroforestry to host 16th Annual Symposium »

The symposium theme: Working Lands for Restoration and Harvest will focus on agroforestry as a crucial ecological restoration strategy.

Foremost Dairy staff honored with Driver to Distinction (click to read)
Foremost Dairy staff honored with Driver to Distinction »

CAFNR Vice Chancellor and Dean Christopher Daubert honored the Foremost Dairy farm staff with the Driver to Distinction award. Daubert acknowledged the significant advancements occurring at the dairy and expressed gratitude to the staff for their commitment and effort in furthering the land-grant mission as implemented through Foremost Dairy.

The honorees included: Adam Shetley, farm manager; Joe Ancell, dairy worker; Will Tackett, dairy worker; Drew Edwards, research specialist; and Maria Poock, dairy worker. Others in attendance were State Rep. Adrian Plank; CAFNR Associate Dean Shibu Jose; Central Missouri Research, Extension and Education Center (REEC) Assistant Director for Livestock Josh Peak and Central Missouri REEC Director Dusty Walter.

Share your research with the public (click to read)
Share your research with the public »

Mizzou faculty are neeeded to share their hands-on STEM activities with youth and families at the Columbia Young Scientists Expo 1-4:30 p.m. March 8. This is a great opportunity to get young minds interested in your field! Reserve booth space by Feb. 6.

The Columbia Young Scientists (CYS) Fair and Expo is an annual event hosted by The Connector and promotes STEM for people of all ages by connecting youth and families with science and technology research on the University of Missouri campus.

The CYS Expo provides an opportunity for the public to engage with hands on STEM programs. Science enthusiasts of all ages can explore a variety of booths featuring research and technology activities from scientists in Missouri. Presenters include university, local and state scientists, organizations and clubs.

Hiring Postdocs at Mizzou (click to read)
Hiring Postdocs at Mizzou »

There’s a lot for faculty to understand regarding hiring postdoctoral students. The Division of Research, Innovation and Impact is hosting a webinar compiling all this information into one session at 1 p.m. Feb. 28 over Zoom. Topics include eligibility criteria, minimum salary requirements and HR job titles. The session will also cover termination policies, visa requirements and resources and services for postdocs. Register now.

Call for Proposals: CAFNR Programs of Distinction

CAFNR has existing research, teaching and extension programs that are nationally and internationally recognized. In order to highlight the recognized strength of existing or future programs, we established criteria for Programs of Distinction to recognize select programs that exemplify CAFNR’s Drive To Distinction. CAFNR’s Programs of Distinction, together with our academic programs, define our impact on Missouri’s agriculture and natural resource economies while providing a roadmap for how CAFNR addresses grand societal challenges. Visit the Programs of Distinction webpage for more information.

The call for proposals for this year’s competition is now open. Please check your email for additional information. You may reach out to your division director or the CAFNR Office of Research if you have any questions.

Proposals must be submitted by Feb. 15, 2025.

Research Roars

CAFNR faculty members have received the following recent grants (listed by Principal Investigator):

Bongkash Vardhanabhuti, Tuning the texture and stability of emulsions by dairy protein-based ingredients, Midwest Dairy Association, 1/1/24-12/31/24, $46,252

Thomas Bonnot, Turkey Habitat Suitability Index (HSI) Model Development, National Wild Turkey Federation, 7/1/24-6/30/25, $7,920

Feng Lin, Breeding to Increase Soybean Seed Oil and Protein Reserves for the Development of High Value Soybean Cultivars and Germplasm, North Dakota State University (USB), 10/1/24-9/30/25, $50,000

Feng Lin, Screening and Breeding Soybeans for Resistance to Mature Soybean Seed Damage, Mississippi State University (USB), 10/1/24-8/31/25, $60,129

Dojin Ryu, Detect Sources of Patulin Contaminations in Processed Apple Products, Washington Tree Fruit Research Commission, 9/17/24-4/1/25, $27,050

In the News

People are drinking elderberry to treat cold and flu. Experts say think twice
The Washington Post

Do windchimes scare birds?
Southern Living

Drought Requires Move From ‘Brittle’ to ‘Flexible’ Management

How to Prevent Cold Stress in Cattle
Progressive Farmer

Increase energy in feed for cold cows
Farm Progress

Wild Hog Eradication Cut From Farm Bill but Funding Needed, MO Expert Says

MU develops farm subsidy calculator
Jefferson City News Tribune

Genetics for a better cow herd
High Plains Journal

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